Behavior and Supervision of Children Policy

Last Updated Date

In order to maintain a safe and proper environment for the use of the library by all persons, the Ferguson Library has adopted the following policy:
  • Parents, guardians and other caregivers are responsible for the conduct and safety of their children in the library and on its premises at all times. They must provide reasonable supervision of their children, appropriate to the age and level of responsibility of each child.
  • Children are expected to comply with the posted Regulations of the Library. Children who are not using the library appropriately or who require excessive staff attention or supervision will be required to leave the library. Police assistance may be requested when appropriate.
  • Children who are age 8 years or under must be accompanied at all times. Their companion must be an adult or other responsible caregiver who is age 12 or older.
  • The Library is not responsible for the care or supervision of children. For example, a staff member is not permitted to transport a child to another location unless specifically authorized in advance by an administrator or supervisor. Authorization to transport a child should not be granted unless the child’s parent or legal guardian has given written consent in advance, on a form supplied by the Library. The written consent, filled out correctly and signed by the parent or guardian, shall be retained by the administrator or supervisor after he or she signs it, granting permission.
  • Parents, guardians and other caregivers should be aware of section 53-21a of the Connecticut General Statutes, which under certain circumstances prohibits leaving a child age 11 years or under unsupervised in a place of public accommodation. A copy of this statute is available at the main circulation desk and at the children’s desk.

Adults and children alike are welcome to use The Ferguson Library. Your attention to those guidelines will help us create and maintain a safe environment in which learning and reading can be encouraged.


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